$45K in her first month on her own as a coach with Andrea Engstrom

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and Building a Consistent Client Flow

Faisal Ensaun: this is what I want to go into because a lot of coaches are also deciding, Where do they want to go? How do they want to help people? 

what I’m understanding is your coaching is a mix of mindset coaching and business coaching in their consulting. So you’ve broadened both strengths. I actually have a certification in that, which is a mix of the two through mind value as well.

And I, I think it’s a very fun world to be in. I’m curious to hear your thoughts because I’ve had some of these conversations with our group members too. I will get on a call with them and a lot of people call themselves coaches and I think we’re also kind of, Trying to set up like what is a coach?

So business coaches are primarily more, yes, they do help you think through a lot of things, but they’re more like consultants. But mindset coaches, help you dig deeper and help you reset some of the stuff, get rid of some of the mental blocks, go deeper with you, and there are different types of those. And I actually had a conversation yesterday with one of the members of the community, and what I found out was that she was a financial coach, and by the end of it, I realized she was a financial consultant. And I asked her, how do you approach your sessions?

She responded; well, I help them make sense of their finances and I give them a system so they can get out of debt and focus on growing their finances. And then she did say, sometimes people say things like, she was talking about an entrepreneur, where she was undercharging and she’s like, why is that person undercharging?

And she even asked the question, why are you charging that? But she didn’t know where to go after that. I’m like, that’s where you don’t have training on the coaching side enough. So what are your thoughts about that? What are your thoughts about coaching in that region and how do you recommend coaches approach it?

Andrea Engstrom: Yeah. So as a business coach, I would always tell people nobody is gonna care about your profitability in your business more than me. And so I’m gonna help you, I’m gonna help you to identify how to make tweaks in your business to be able to improve your profitability. Yes. Yeah. And then I’m gonna hold you accountable.

And I think the accountability is the difference between a consultant and a coach. A consultant will tell you what to do and give you an awesome binder that sets on your shelf of their recommendations. But a coach is gonna be there right alongside you, holding you accountable and actually implementing the recommendations, or helping you identify what your strategy is, help you make a commitment to that, and then holding you accountable to what you say was important to you.

Whereas a coach is really about, let me ask you some questions and then I’m gonna give you some solutions, and then I hope that you implement those things. Right? And so I think that’s the big difference for me in between like a business coach and a business consultant. But when we think about mindset coaching, I don’t know that you can do business coaching and really hold someone accountable without the mindset piece of it, without, I mean, and I think that goes for any type of coaching we have to address the mindset because we’re working on the transformation. And the transformation doesn’t just happen by someone wanting something and then getting the answer that the transformation has to happen inside ourselves. I always say, who do you need to be in order to do what it takes to have what you wanna have?

And so a lot of people can get really clear on what they wanna have, and they’ll set goals about what they wanna have, and then they’ll even have the action steps, like, what do I wanna do? And that’s often what a consultant does, right? They help under you get clear of what you, where you wanna go, where are we gonna take this thing and how are we gonna get there.

The next piece of it, and this is the coaching piece, is who do I need to be? And so a great coach is gonna be helping you to develop the qualities in yourself around the identity shift that has to happen for you to be able to step into that next level of success and confidently take the action that successful people take in order to get those things done and to have the success that they want.

Because we don’t wake up as future successful us every day. We usually have to remind ourselves of those things, right? We have to practice habits that will get us into the right mindset and that gets us into the right energy to be able to take those actions.

Cuz most of us have this internal thermostat where we’re if we are trying to move outside of what our identity thermostat is set at. And we’re like, yeah, I’m gonna, I’m gonna try to take 90-degree actions, but we’re actually a 70-degree person. Then our 70, the thermostat inside us is gonna try to pull us on back and say like, no, no, we can procrastinate on that. No, it’s not that important. We don’t, you know, or we’re not worthy of that success, or if I do that, you know, it’s all those fears that creep in. And so if we aren’t addressing the identity piece, then we may have success for a minute, but we’re gonna find ourselves right back where we started.

And sometimes self-sabotage to a place where we’re even farther back than we, than when we started. And we’ll go, what happened? And it’s the internal work that we missed. And I think consultants usually will miss that. And that’s why coaches are so important. 

Faisal Ensaun: Yeah. I love that distinction there.

What I heard there is that Coaches need to deal with mindset consultants who give you a system and process. And then the reason why I said is those who are listening if you’re calling yourself a coach, then there is a piece of training or awareness you need to have on the on where you don’t just tell people, get up and take action.

You help them make sense of that in relation to their who they are or who they’re becoming in relation to their identity. Would you say that’s accurate? 

Andrea Engstrom: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. You know, one of the things I think as a coach that’s also so important for us is that we help people.

There’s a formula for change. I don’t know, are you familiar with the formula for change? Okay, so the formula for change is D times V plus FS must be greater than. R and so the D is for dissatisfaction. So our personal dissatisfaction with where we are in our life, and it could be with our health, our finances, our relationships, you know, we have coaches listening who are in all of those categories, right?

So I, you know, we have to make sure that, our level of dissatisfaction is then multiplied by our clear vision for the future. So as a coach, we also have to help people get clear about what they want, and, and most people don’t even know what they want. Because in reality, nobody’s asking that question, what do you really want?

And most of us haven’t allowed ourselves the luxury of setting aside expectations of other people or what other people need of us, or what we think our role should be to take time to ask and answer that question. So as a coach, that’s such a privilege that we get to help people cast a clear vision for the future.

And then also as coaches, we get to help them with the first steps. And so that’s our fs. So it’s dissatisfaction times a clear vision for the future. Plus first steps must be greater than R, which is resistance to change. And so most people are comfortable like I was talking about like we get comfortable and we’re even Suffering in comfort. 

We’ll have an extra glass of wine at the end of the day to make ourselves feel better. And so our resistance to change is like it’s bad, but it’s not that bad because I have a really, you know, comfortable paycheck. And so I don’t wanna but I don’t love this, and I know it’s limiting me, and I know I’m capable of more.

And so our resistance to change can be really high because of some of those comfort factors. But as a coach, if we can help people to identify their level of dissatisfaction and help to elevate that, because in some situations, you know, that resistance to change is high because things aren’t bad enough.

Yeah, and we’ve already been looking at how bad it actually is or projecting into the future. If I keep going down this path, I’m gonna have no retirement, right? I’m gonna have, you know, my relationship is suffering, and what if that goes, you know, can, continues to spiral downward. We’re just trying to be comfortable for another moment.

And so if we can help people to, you know, elevate their level of personal dissatisfaction by looking at what’s really going on in their life and if we kept going down that path, what’s gonna happen? And then paint, helping them to identify what is their clear vision for the future. And then identify those just first steps and sometimes those first steps are just how to start coaching with you.

That sometimes that’s all people need to know is like, we just shine a light just a few feet out and if they can see that there is light that they can follow and just take a few first steps, then if those things are greater than their resistance to change, then they’re going to a start working with us.

But they’re also gonna move, you know, we’re gonna move towards their clear vision for a better future. And, you know, I think when we’re presenting someone an opportunity to work with us as a coach, You know, we have to get through, like we have to help them to go through that formula for change.

Or their resistance to change just stays. Like they just go, Nope, I’m okay. I’m okay. I can make an excuse as to why now is not a good time, or I have to talk to my spouse, or I, you know, don’t have enough money in my account, or whatever those reasons are. But if we can help them to elevate those things and make ’em greater than their resistance, that’s when the change happens.

And as a coach, one of the things that we have to do is invite people to solidify their commitment to change. And the only way that that happens is with an exchange of dollars because where your treasure is there, your heart will be also. And so we all solidify our commitment to change by spending money.

Right. If we think about it at the beginning of the year, what is the, you know, what do we do? We go buy shoes. We join a gym, we hire a trainer. We buy the workout gear because we’re solidifying our commitment to change. If I buy this stuff, if I buy the Peloton, I’m gonna start working out, right? The same thing is true with coaching.

When people have a high level of dissatisfaction, they look for a way to solidify their commitment to change, and we get to be, as coaches, we get to be that solution. Yeah. That’s awesome. 

Faisal Ensaun: I love that.

Sheri Fluellen: So as you’re saying this I’m thinking about your own journey and that there, you know, you were part of this, this class, this course that helped you kind of put some structure around your next steps. I’m wondering what, and I’ve got to use the analogy that you used with the thermostat, Andrea, what made you hotter? 

Andrea Engstrom: You know when I first started in real estate one of the very first things that I did cuz everybody was like, how did you get so many deals? And I could tell you about that, but the question that nobody was asking me, and then this is part of what I help people with today is to identify who do I need to be? and then to write really clear affirmation statements around Who I’m going to show up as. And so that was really a big piece of it, is getting clear about who I need to be in order to do what it takes to have what I wanna have. And so if you want, I would love to share my affirmation statements with your listeners. Would that be okay if I tell you because I continue to say, it out loud to myself on a regular basis?

I’m gonna share with you my affirmation statements, and I call these the truth. So the truth, this is the truth about who I am becoming. And so beyond, just like Pat, you know, just saying, oh you’re doing fine.

You’re doing great. Affirma, you know, affirm, affirm, affirm. I say, no. This is the truth about who I am becoming. And so I claim these things every day. I am bold. I take action. I am strong. I get through challenges and lead others. I am kind even in stressful situations. I am disciplined. I keep promises to myself.

I am tenacious. I can do hard things. I am a developer. I create opportunities, not wait for them. I am an attractor of multimillion-dollar deals. I am inspiring, I am authentic. I make a difference. So the moment that I decided to be, become a real estate investor, I started saying those things out loud to myself, and my brain doesn’t know the difference between what is true and what you tell it.

And so your brain goes to work to say, oh, excellent. We are disciplined. Let’s see, let’s prove that’s true. We are tenacious. Okay, so when you feel like quitting that’s the thing that pops into your head and says, no, I’m not a quitter. I am tenacious. And just by the way, all of those statements that I just shared with you are things that are the opposite of the things that are my limiting beliefs.

They’re the things that I’ve had to overcome. And the stories that I tell myself about the failures that I’ve had in my past and how I’ve quit so many things and you know what I’m not capable of. And so I took, took those limiting beliefs and I had to turn ’em into the truth. And then remind myself of that truth, cuz I don’t show up as that girl every day.

I gotta remind myself who I am. And so even as I was starting to say those things out loud as a real estate investor and then got the opportunity to be a coach and the network, I’m helping other people to overcome their limiting beliefs and to step into their next level of success. I think, you know as you’re elevating your thermostat, as you’re elevating your identity, that’s also where sometimes that, that dissatisfaction will start to creep up again and say, wait a second, am I just being comfortable?

Am I capable of more? am I holding, myself back because of fear? And so we can do one brave thing and then we prove to ourselves that we are brave. But then what’s the next brave thing? Because we haven’t, you know, we have, I didn’t arrive when I did a few deals. It’s like, who do I need to be next so that I’m actually stepping into my potential?

Sheri Fluellen: I love that. So as you were speaking those, those affirmations or those truths, are those the same truths then that you’re speaking out in your marketing so that you are attracting the women who also want to be that way? 

Andrea Engstrom: Yeah, I mean, I share those things a lot, but a lot of times the marketing that we’re, that we’re talking about is, is you know I’m not always sharing like what the, you know, what it looks like on the other side all the time.

Sometimes I’m talking about the pain, like you know, after this session today I’m going into my Facebook group and doing a session that’s called, I’m Stuck. Because when people read that, they’re like, oh my gosh, me too. And I think two of the most powerful words in the world are Me too. And if people can see their story in your story, like, and where you’ve come from or you know, and they go, no, that’s the pain I’m feeling and I need to figure out how to get out of it.

And so there’s a balance of that. And so I will share those affirmations, but it’s usually in response to something that is, that we need to overcome. Cuz that’s where people go, oh yeah, yeah, that’s what, that’s where I’m at right now. Yeah. 

Faisal Ensaun: Okay. I really love that and I wanna circle back to something that you said, but I wanna ask this question.

So a coach jumps in since you, you’ve had some success in this area. Coach is like, okay, they’ve either come out of certification or they’ve trained themselves in some way, however, that has happened. Like, okay, they put on the hat of a coach, hesitantly I’m a coach, I’m gonna go get clients.

So from what you know and what you’ve been able to implement, what are their next steps? What do they need to do to build a consistent client flow? What needs to happen and how can you do it in a simple way? Not in a complicated way. That’s tough. Yeah. 

Andrea Engstrom: Yeah. So I mentioned that one of the things that I did to launch was a workshop, and I just promoted it on my own Facebook page, like my own Facebook personal page.

And you know, over the last few years I’ve built up my, I’ve been really intentional about adding friends to Facebook because I need I know that connections are what make the world go round, right? The relationships. And so just for clarity, I have almost 5,000 friends on Facebook. And so when I posted my workshop I had 500 people, R S V P for my workshop, which is a lot without promoting it with Facebook at this point. 

Faisal Ensaun: Were you active before that when you posted that? 

Andrea Engstrom: I was posting pictures of my grandbabies and posting pictures of mostly family stuff because after I sold my 

Faisal Ensaun: You have grandchildren? 

Andrea Engstrom: I do. I have two grandbabies. Yeah. So I would primarily post personal stuff and I did post and share when I was, you know, launching my real estate thing. And then I’ve made lots of friends from the networks that I’ve joined and so when I posted that workshop and I think part of it was like the name of the workshop resonates.

It’s a very clear, like, here’s the clear value, and here’s who it’s for. And that’s really important. And so I hosted that workshop out of 500 registrants, 250 showed up. And then I learned a lot in that first one cuz I was like, oh my gosh, there are so many people joining. I’m just gonna share my offer and people are just gonna flood in and sign up.

And so guess how many registrations I got the first night that I did that workshop? One, one registered and I was like, oh, crap. Okay, so I really should have done the thing that they teach you to do, which is instead of making your offer instead of just saying like, here’s my offer, it’s 1997 and it’s a six-week program, click this link and join.

Right? That was good learning for me because I thought, well, all these people know me and they like me and they trust me. They’re just gonna flood into my program, and it didn’t happen. And so what I had to do over the next couple of weeks is to a, I posted my event through Eventbrite, so I got all of their email addresses and so don’t do a Facebook event because you get no one’s email address from a Facebook event.

But I got all those email addresses and I was able to follow up with them and send them an offer to book a bold Breakthrough session with me. It’s a free 30-minute complimentary coaching call where we’re gonna do, you know, we’re gonna dig into your goals, understand your challenges, and what’s stopping you, and see if we can help you have the plan to get unstuck and see if it’s a good fit for us to work together.

And so over that next couple of weeks, I did about, oh, I don’t know, 30, 30 sessions with people. And that’s where my sales came from. That is where it came from. And so that was a good learning. Everybody learned from what I did wrong in my first law, my first workshop. But then I realized I had a lot of people reach out and say, Hey, I wasn’t able to attend your workshop, are you, when are you doing it again?

Are you doing another one? And so I went ahead and did an encore event that was. You know, just under four weeks later. And so for that one, I only had 70 people register, and 35 people attended. And instead of sharing that whole offer, I said, this is what I do in my program with people. But tonight what I wanna offer you is a breakthrough session.

30 minutes with me, one-to-one. I didn’t tell ’em what the cost of the program was. I didn’t say wouldn’t, you know, go ahead and click here to sign up. I just offered a free breakthrough session and I had 14 of the 35 book immediately. 

Sheri Fluellen: That’s awesome. 

Andrea Engstrom: Yeah. And so, that’s one of my pieces of advice to you, host a little workshop.

You don’t need 500 people to register. You know, I got 35 attended and 14 actually signed, you know, joined registered for a session with me, or booked a call with me. And then of those 14, I think eight of ’em said yes to my program. Right? So you don’t need hundreds and hundreds of people. You just need A handful of the right people with the right offer. And for most coaches, especially if you’re first to starting out, the right offer is simply let’s book a session together. Like let’s do a complimentary coaching session together and we’ll see if it’s a good fit for us to work together 

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